We are tech enthusiasts and creative problem solvers

The Story Behind Optimize

Ian Binek, a young lad, had always been into science. Growing up, he used to experiment on himself to help learn more about his skin blemishes. He discovered that some foods caused more breakouts than others - which fascinated him. When we was in high school, he was studying plant diseases and the effects of organic vs synthetic fungicides. Yep, big time nerd. He even spent the hot Georgia summers in a peanut field studying meteorology - we won’t even try to explain what that is.

Ian thought he was going to study chemical engineering and become a scientist! But oh boy, did life throw him a curve ball.

Somehow, the advertising gods discovered him while he least expected it. While studying for Calculus and spending hours on YouTube watching tutorials.

You see, he had been seeing ads and ads talking about starting an advertising agency. And the one that stuck was the one that started calling advertising a science.

A curious Ian couldn’t resist and the learning began. The rest is history.

Ian still went to GT, still worked in Corporate America, and then finally at the beginning of 2024, decided that the marketing scientist revolution was ready to begin.

And here we are, present day, Optimize Your Marketing is an infant agency with high hopes and a vision to become a leader in the digital marketing & optimization world.

Lead by Ian, Optimize is setting it’s sights on becoming the most trusted organization to solve the biggest data & advertising challenges that businesses face every day.

We hope you choose to join us on this journey… and if you don’t, well, we hope you join us in the future ;)

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Backed By Years of Experience

Former Venture Capital Growth Lead Founds Paid Media Agency

Optimize Your Marketing was founded by Ian Binek to help B2B companies capture and create demand. Ian has nearly a decade of experience working with B2B Fortune 500, B2B Unicorn, and early stage B2B SaaS companies in the digital marketing department.

Ian’s final full time role was the growth marketing lead in a venture studio located in Buckhead, Georgia. Ian lead the team to increase marketing revenue by over 300% in 2023 (up nearly $700K in inbound revenue across the portfolio companies).

Ian realized that he could help bring these solutions to other scaling startups and thus Optimize Your Marketing was born. Optimize Your Marketing’s goal is to work with growth stage companies that are looking for a growth marketing partner who can help them capture & create demand using paid advertising campaigns.

Small but mighty

Learn more about Ian Binek

Ian Binek
Ian Binek

CEO & Advertising Lead

Our mission is to help companies setup, optimize, and scale their inbound marketing efforts.

To become the most trusted organization to solve the biggest data & advertising challenges that businesses face every day.