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Ecommerce (Energy Drink & CBD Space)

Social Media & Email Mktg for Energy Drinks Company

Optimize Your Marketing provided social media and email marketing services for an energy drink company. The team managed the client's Facebook and Instagram ads campaigns and dispatched emails using Klaviyo.
Client Name
Kill Cliff
PPC, Social Media Marketing, Meta Advertising, Email Campaigns
Kill Cliff has achieved a +2x ROAS from their Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns
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John Timar
Kill Cliff, CEO

About Kill Cliff

Kill Cliff is best known as a DTC CBD energy drink, and boasts an impressive partnership with Joe Rogan. Despite having a huge influencer like Joe Rogan, the energy drink company still struggled digital with their Meta Advertising campaign efforts. They approached the team at Optimize to take a look and see what could be done.

I've worked with Optimize since before they were Optimize. Their level of expertise in digital optimization is in a very exclusive class. I spent years on the hunt for the ninja that could demystify paid media online and increase sales without increasing budgets and degrading ROAS. Not only could they engineer the outcome I was looking for, but also they do so with transparency and cogent thought. Basically, Optimize was able to translate to me the 5 W's about advertising online and make a real impact in my business.

John Timar

The Optimize Strategy

Paid Advertising Efforts

We did a deep, and thorough audit of their Meta ads account and found AB Testing opportunities and inefficiencies that we could immediately capitalize on. We started with first class AB tests like campaign level bid strategy adjustments and ad group targeting tests to see which audience responded best to which energy drink lines. We were able to strategically test creative in each of these AB tests at the campaign and ad group level which effectively enabled us to learn 3x faster due to 3 AB tests running at once. This approach helped us iteratively and systematically improve ROAS inside of Facebook and enabled us to paint a clear picture of our sales sources in Shopify.

Combatting Ad Policy Restrictions

Although CBD is not allowed to be advertised on Facebook, we worked around this by meticulously adjusting our creative and landing pages to avoid the usage of the word CBD and instead use the word hemp. We even created a separate website that served as a gateway page so we could bypass Meta's very stringent and unforgiving ad policy.

The founder, Ian, he's a savant. Super easy to work with and also really smart and honest. I was very pleased with our work together. I plan on bringing them into other brands I support.

John Timar


To summarize our work together, we were able to solve Kill Cliff's advertising woes with iterative AB testing and paint a clear picture of where their highest ROI activities were so they could double down in those spots and bring the most revenue back to the DTC brand. It was great to work with Kill Cliff and continue to provide strategy and advisory services to them to this day.

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